NANCEN 썸네일형 리스트형 Six Months Imprisonment at Hwaseong Detention Center We are looking for essay writers who will help promote the awareness of refugee rights in Korea. NANCEN wants to let the voice of refugees heard as they want to be heard in Korea society. We wish Koreans could come to understand that refugees are not to be feared or pitied. If you are interested in this project, please contact to Zamal Man have to face many experience in lif.. يرجى إبلاغنا إذا كنت ضحية للمقابلة المزيفة للاجئين في القضية ، وخدمة العدالة للضحايا ، واتخاذ تدابير حتى لا تحدث مثل هذه الأشياء مرة أخرى. إذا كنت ضحية للمقابلات المزيفة للاجئين وتريد أن يساعدك نانسن بذلك ، فيرجى إخبارنا قد تكون ضحية إذا طبق واحد أو أكثر من الإجراءات التالية عليك هل كان هناك شيء في ورقة المقابلة الخاصة باللاجئين لم تقوله؟ (على سبيل المثال: "تقدمت بطلب للحصول على صفة اللاجئ لإيجاد عمل في كوريا" "ما كتبته في ورقة طلب اللجوء غير صح.. Guide for refugees from A to Z Open the attached file and click the title of the contents that you want to know. (We are going to upload Arabic version soon.) Contents of the guide I. Guide for Refugee Status Determination procedures in Korea 1. Definition of Refugees and Refugee Status Application 2. Applying for Refugee Status at the airport and seaport (ports of entry) 3. Applying for Refugee Status after arrival 4. Refuge.. My Life in South Korea We are looking for essay writers who will help promote the awareness of refugee rights in Korea. NANCEN wants to let the voice of refugees heard as they want to be heard in Korea society. We wish Koreans could come to understand that refugees are not to be feared or pitied. If you are interested in this project, please contact to Sara My name is Sara. I am 27 years old. I am.. [공지] 법무부 난민면접 조작 사건 피해자 증언대회 Speak Out Against ‘Fabricated Refugee Interviews by the Ministry of Justice’! 오는 6월 20일은 세계난민의날입니다. 이 날을 맞이하여 난민인권센터는 난민 인권을 보호해야 할 법무부가 오히려 왜곡된 난민심사 과정에서 인권 침해를 묵과해 온 현실을 알리고자 합니다. 수많은 난민신청자들이 난민심사과정에서 면접조서가 심사관에 의해 허위로 작성되어 탈락해 왔으나, 아직도 누가, 왜, 누구의 지시에 의해, 어느 정도로 이루어진 것인지 그 진실은 밝혀지지 않고 있습니다. 이 과정에서 피해를 겪은 난민 당사자를 모시고 어떤 일들을 경험하셨는지, 무엇을 바라는지 이야기를 듣고자 합니다. 많은 분들께서 이 자리에 함께 해주시고 응원해주시길 바랍니다!June 20th is World Refugee Day! On that day, Refugee Rights Center(NANCEN) will hold.. Egyptian Journalist Became Political Asylum-seeker in South Korea We are looking for essay writers who will help promote the awareness of refugee rights in Korea. NANCEN wants to let the voice of refugees heard as they want to be heard in Korea society. We wish Koreans could come to understand that refugees are not to be feared or pitied. If you are interested in this project, please contact to Egyptian Journalist Became Political Asylum-s.. Unforgettable Experience We are looking for essay writers who will help promote the awareness of refugee rights in Korea. NANCEN wants to let the voice of refugees heard as they want to be heard in Korea society. We wish Koreans could come to understand that refugees are not to be feared or pitied. If you are interested in this project, please contact to Unforgettable Experience Musa Sapientum To be.. The Job Market - In the Eyes of a Refugee Applicant We are looking for essay writers who will help promote the awareness of refugee rights in Korea. NANCEN wants to let the voice of refugees heard as they want to be heard in Korea society. We wish Koreans could come to understand that refugees are not to be feared or pitied. If you are interested in this project, please contact to The Job Market - In the Eyes of a Refugee App.. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 70 다음