NANCEN 썸네일형 리스트형 How to contact NANCEN for Refugees Dear visitors, Please review the information below to reserve a consultation. 1. To schedule a consultation, please send us an email on the reason for your request for consultation and the materials listed below that apply to you. - A copy of your ID card or passport (아이디 카드 또는 여권 사본) - Receipt of refugee status application (난민인정신청 접수증) - A copy of submitted refugee status application form (난민인정.. 생활지원 기관 및 단체 정보 (Resources for Refugees in Need/ موارد للاجئين المحتاجين/ Ressources pour les réfugiés dans le besoin) 의료, 주거, 교육을 포함하여 한국 생활에 필요한 지원을 제공하는 단체 및 기관의 정보입니다. Please note that the information provided may have changed. يرجى ملاحظة أن المعلومات المقدمة قد تغيرت. Veuillez noter que les informations fournies peuvent avoir changé. Information on organizations and institutions that provide support for living in Korea, including medical care, housing, and education Click on the file below to find the info.. 2022 World Refugee Day Joint Statement by Human Rights Organizations 10 Years since legislation of Refugee Act: We ask the Ministry of Justice to take full responsibility for protection of refugees. 2022 is the 10th anniversary of legislation of Korean Refugee Act and the 30th year since Refugee Convention took effect in Korea, and when the number of refugees across the world exceeded 100 million for the first time in history. This is certainly the moment when gl.. [statement] We condemn inhumane treatment of detention centers We condemn inhumane treatment of detention centers The Ministry of Justice must stop the attempt to expand and legalize torturing gear 15 years have passed since the tragic fire incident at the Yeosu Detention Center. Detention center’s purpose was alleged protection of foreigners, but its structure and operation were just for detaining them. In the midst of fire 10 people were killed and 17 inj.. Joint statement on the 15th anniversary of Yeosu Detention Center fire tragedy Yeosu Detention Center Fire Tragedy Must Be Kept In Memory Joint statement on the 15th anniversary of Yeosu Detention Center fire tragedy This year is the 15th anniversary of the Yeosu Detention Center fire that happened on Feb.11, 2007. First of all, we pay tribute to ten people who passed away and hope the pain and agony of their families and survivors have been alleviated. The tragic fire was.. Statement on the results of the national compensation suit in the refugee interview manipulation case On December 3, the Seoul Central District Court judged the responsibility of refugee officials, interpreters, and the state in a national compensation suit filed by the victim of the September 2018 interview report manipulation case. Refugee officials and interpreters who participated in the manipulation of refugee interviews were liable for manipulation due to intention or gross negligence, and.. [공지] 난민인권센터 제13차 정기총회를 개최합니다. [공지] 난민인권센터 제13차 정기총회를 개최합니다. 올해는 코로나 상황으로 온라인으로 총회를 진행합니다. 아래 구글 설문지를 통해 참여 가능한 난센의 총회! 2021년 3월 2일부터 일주일간 진행되니 많은 참여 부탁드리겠습니다^^ 일시: 2021년 3월 2일~ 9일 We hold an online annual general meeting of the NANCEN, Refugee Rights Center. If you need instructions in English and other languages, please contact 로드 중… *메일/문자 등록이 되어있지 않은 회원님께서는 refucenter@gmail.com으로 연락부탁드리겠습니다. *We hold.. The Korean government have to operate refugee policy accord with human rights standards "The Korean government have to operate refugee policy accord with human rights standards." 2020 is the 7th anniversary of the Refugee Act of the Republic of Korea, and the 28th year since Refugee Convention and Protocol have ratified. Even though the system has been implemented for around 30 years and the number of accumulated asylum applications is over 64,000, strongly condemns the way the gov.. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 70 다음