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활동 Activities

How to contact NANCEN for Refugees


Dear visitors,

Please review the information below to reserve a consultation.

1. To schedule a consultation, please send us an email on the reason for your request for consultation and the materials listed below that apply to you.

- A copy of your ID card or passport (아이디 카드 또는 여권 사본)
- Receipt of refugee status application (난민인정신청 접수증)
- A copy of submitted refugee status application form (난민인정신청서 사본)
- Notice On Non-Recognition of Refugee Status (난민불인정결정통지서)
- Reasons of non-recognition of refugee status (불인정사유서)
- Transcript of Refugee Investigation Interview (면접조사 사본): You can collect it from the immigration office.
- Application Form of Refugee Status (난민지위신청서): You need to provide us the form where your statement is included.
- Receipt of Application for Appeal (이의신청 접수증)
- Notice On Rejection of Appeal (이의신청 기각통지서)
- Receipt of Litigation (소송 접수증)
- Court Decision (판결문)
- All the proofs related to your asylum seeking
- All the proofs related to your asylum seeking
* Please translate the file name into English for the documents to be submitted.


2. NANCEN will respond to your email on the consultation schedule after reviewing all the documents you provide.

3. You can visit the NANCEN office for a face-to-face consultation after your appointment is confirmed.

4.  Consultation hours are from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Wednesdays.

* Please understand in advance that all communication will be conducted via email. Consultations for walk-ins without a prior appointment may be limited. 

