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With Refugees/Informations for Refugee

Restriction on ID card issuance (re-applicants) 체류허가 제한 심사 대상자 처리기준 (난민인정 신청 당시 합법체류자) Criteria for processing those subject to examination for restriction of residence permit (Legal resident at the time of application for refugee status) Critères de traitement des personnes soumises à examen de restriction de titre de séjour (Résident légal au moment de la demande de statut de réfugié) ♦ 체류기간 연장 등 불허 결정 통지 후 출국기한 유예 조치 대상 The following cases..
생활지원 기관 및 단체 정보 (Resources for Refugees in Need/ موارد للاجئين المحتاجين/ Ressources pour les réfugiés dans le besoin) 의료, 주거, 교육을 포함하여 한국 생활에 필요한 지원을 제공하는 단체 및 기관의 정보입니다. Please note that the information provided may have changed. يرجى ملاحظة أن المعلومات المقدمة قد تغيرت. Veuillez noter que les informations fournies peuvent avoir changé. Information on organizations and institutions that provide support for living in Korea, including medical care, housing, and education Click on the file below to find the info..
난민인권센터 찾아오는 길 New Location of NANCEN - Consultation hours are Wednesdays from 1pm to 4pm. - In-person consultations must be scheduled in advance by emailing refuecenter@gmail.com.- Walk-ins are not available without an appointment.
Scholarship opportunity offered by the Columbia University Scholarship opportunity offered by the Columbia University for displaced students for your further sharing to relevant interested refugees. The Columbia University Scholarship for Displaced Students (CUSDS) supports displaced students from anywhere in the world (including recognised refugees residing in Korea) who are unable to complete their higher education. Selected students will receive full..
Statistiques des réfugiés en Corée du Sud Le centre des droits humains des réfugiés surveille le statut des réfugiés en Corée depuis 2009. Le 6 janvier 2020, le gouvernement a demandé la divulgation d’information relatives à la demande de l’état de réfugiés, à l’examen et au traitement à divers départements gouvernementaux liés aux réfugiés mais le ministère de la Justice a retiré la demande existante et a demandé à nouveau la divulgati..
.نظرة عامة على وضع اللاجئين وفقا لإحصائات عام 2019 في كوريا الجنوبية
The opportunity offered by the MIT Refugee Action program We would like to relay through this posting the opportunity offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) Refugee Action (MIT’s ReACT) program for your further sharing to relevant interested refugees (refugee applicants/recognised refugees/humanitarian status holders) as you will deem appropriate. From September 2020, MIT will provide, free of charge - aside from access to internet a..
Guidelines for Living Expenses Support for Refugee Status Applicants by MOJ * What is ‘Living Expenses Support’ program? It is a monthly financial support program provided by the Korean Government (the Ministry of Justice) for certain period of time to support the living expenses of the refugee status applicants who are in the process of the refugee status determination. * Who can apply? Refugee status applicants can apply for living expenses support. * When to apply? R..