With Refugees/Informations for Refugee 썸네일형 리스트형 Forms For Refugee Litigation (난민소송 양식) 난민으로 불인정하겠다는 결정 통지를 받은 경우, 혹은 이의신청에 대해 기각결정 통지를 받은 경우, 90일 이내에 소를 제기하여 난민불인정결정에 대해 취소해 달라는 청구를 할 수 있습니다. 법원의 판결에 불복하는 경우에는 상급 법원에 14일 이내에 항소를 제기할 수 있습니다. 난민소송 소장, 항소장, 소송구조신청서, 증명원 발급 신청서 양식을 공유합니다. 해당 양식은 법무법인 지평 장수지 변호사님, 사단법인 두루 최초록 변호사님의 감수를 받았습니다. A person whose application for refugee or appeal is dismissed may file an administrative litigation within 90 days of the date he/she is notified.. Information about purchasing masks From today, immigrants who do not have health insurance can purchase public masks at pharmacies and post offices. You can buy a mask if you bring a foreigner registration card, permanent residence card, or proof of residence. À partir d'aujourd'hui, les immigrants qui n'ont pas d'assurance maladie peuvent acheter des masques publics dans les pharmacies et les bureaux de poste. Vous pouvez achete.. Consultation Service for people living with HIV ▼ Call or Text: 010-2164-1201 ▼ Email: r.ypcok@gmail.com ▼ Hours: Tuesday ~ Saturday 11AM ~ 7PM Have you been denied of healthcare service or faced discrimination at workplace due to your HIV status? Are you facing possible charges on the basis of AIDS Prevention Act Article 19 (penal code against people living with HIV) and in need of support and advice? Do you need peer support with regards to.. [NOTICE] Some Arab refugee applicant opportunity to reapply for refugee Background : Few years ago, some refugee interviews in Arabic were wrong. Some statements not made by refugee applicants were written in the interview reports (http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190619000778&ACE_SEARCH=1). Before July 2018, most refugee interviews were not videotaped. So it is unclear whether someone is a victim or not. Therefore, refugee applicants who did refugee intervi.. 난민법률용어집/ Refugee Legal Aid Glossary 난민소송 과정에서 겪는 가장 큰 어려움 중 하나는 중요한 소송 관계 서류들이 한국어로만 되어 있는 점입니다. 법률용어는 여전히 많이 낯설고 어려운 말로 되어 있어서, 난민신청과 소송 과정을 옆에서 상담하고 지원하고자 하여도 소통하는 과정에서부터 어려움이 따릅니다. 재단법인 동천과 유엔난민기구에서는 난민법률지원을 원활히 하기 위해 2013년에 을 발간했습니다. 난민법률지원 과정에 자주 사용되는 용어를 한국어/ 영어/ 불어로 정리해 놓았습니다. 아직 소수언어까지 번역이 되지는 못했지만, 지금까지도 유용하게 활용할 수 있는 좋은 자료로 난센 홈페이지를 통해서도 공유합니다. One of the biggest difficulties in the refugee process is that most of litiga.. Forms for refugee applicants (난민신청서 등 양식) 2019년 12월 31일부터 적용되는 난민인정신청서 등 양식입니다(출처: 난민법 시행규칙 서식). 난민인정신청시 작성방법 및 유의사항이 새로 추가되었고, 재신청자용 신청 양식이 별도로 만들어졌습니다. 재신청자의 경우 재신청자용 양식을 사용하여야 합니다. 이의신청서 양식이 2021. 7. 29.(시행) 변경되어 반영하였습니다. This is APPLICATION FOR RECOGNITION OF REFUGEE STATUS which started to take effect from December 31, 2019. Instructions and Note were added and application forms for re-applicants were created separately. Re-applica.. Guide for refugees from A to Z Open the attached file and click the title of the contents that you want to know. (We are going to upload Arabic version soon.) Contents of the guide I. Guide for Refugee Status Determination procedures in Korea 1. Definition of Refugees and Refugee Status Application 2. Applying for Refugee Status at the airport and seaport (ports of entry) 3. Applying for Refugee Status after arrival 4. Refuge.. Welcome to Nancen (Refugee Rights Center) Welcome to Korea and to NANCEN (Refugee Rights Center)! This page will introduce you to what we do. For more information contact refucenter@gmail.com / 82-2-712-0620Phone calls and visits for consultation every Wednesday 10a.m.-12p.m., 1p.m.-5p.m.*You must make a reservation for a visit. In case you don’t, you may have to wait long or even consultation might not be possible that day due to other.. 이전 1 2 3 다음