refugee rights 썸네일형 리스트형 The Korean government have to operate refugee policy accord with human rights standards "The Korean government have to operate refugee policy accord with human rights standards." 2020 is the 7th anniversary of the Refugee Act of the Republic of Korea, and the 28th year since Refugee Convention and Protocol have ratified. Even though the system has been implemented for around 30 years and the number of accumulated asylum applications is over 64,000, strongly condemns the way the gov.. Shouldering Responsibility: Reviewing South Korea’s Refugee Status Determination procedures seven years after the implementation of the Refugee Act Shouldering Responsibility: Reviewing South Korea’s Refugee Status Determination procedures seven years after the implementation of the Refugee Act July 1, 2020 is the 7th anniversary of the implementation of the Refugee Act in South Korea. The implementation of the Refugee Act in 2013 established a clear legal process for assessing refugee applications in South Korea and demonstrated the Govern.. looking for individuals and organizations to unite in a statement condemning the government against discrimination and disgust against refugees! (Closed at midnight June 30) We are looking for individuals and organizations to unite in a statement condemning the government against discrimination and disgust against refugees! (Closed at midnight June 30) 로드 중… Joint Statement on World Refugee Day 2020 "The Korean government have to operate refugee policy accord with human rights standards." 2020 is the 7th anniversary of the Refugee Act of the Republic of Korea, and t.. [성명] 2020년 세계난민의 날 “한국정부는 즉각 인권기준에 부합하는 난민제도를 운용하라” [2020년 세계난민의 날 공동성명] “한국정부는 즉각 인권기준에 부합하는 난민제도를 운용하라” 2020년은 대한민국이 난민법을 시행한지 7주년, 난민협약 및 의정서에 비준한지 28년째가 되는 해다. 제도를 시행한지 30년이 되어가고, 누적 난민신청 접수가 6만4천 건을 넘어가고 있음에도 여전히 인권침해가 끊이지 않고 있는 정부의 난민 제도 운용 방식을 강력히 규탄한다. 2019년은 출입국항 난민신청 6.9%의 회부율과 0.4%의 난민인정률을 기록하며 제도 운영 사상 최악의 해가 되었다. 전년도 기준 전국 1차 심사 공무원은 65명으로 1명당 121건의 심사가 진행됐고, 이후 절차인 난민위원회와 분과위원회는 각각 6회, 12회 개최되는 등 회당 최대 1,171건까지 심사가 진행돼 졸속으로 절차가 이행됐다.. [Series] Pro Se Refugee Litigation – A Story of Hope 3 In Early March, Korea was one of the countries to be most severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Uncertainty took over the entire country, affecting every family, company, and ways of life. In those difficult moments, I was also helplessly exposed to a harsh situation: I was fired from my work for no justified reason. My contract was until June this year, but my boss gave me three days to l.. Guide book for Refugee applicants in Korea by Ministry of Justice You can check the guide book by clicking below link: Guide for Refugees in Korea by Korea Immigration Service, Ministry of Justice Refugee Statistics in South Korea (2019.12.31) 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음