refugee 썸네일형 리스트형 Online Foundation Level Autumn/Winter 2021 Application Form Online Foundation Level Autumn/Winter 2021 Application Form Are you a refugee who wants to help rebuild your home country? Have you been a refugee for more than five years? Refugees as Re-Builders™ (RRB) is a training course designed, developed and run by Initiatives of Change UK. We are now offering the course online due to Covid-19, and so that participants globally can join the course. What’s.. [통계] 국내 난민 현황(2020.12.31기준) [Statement] Strongest condemn of the massacre of civilians by the military of Myanmar Strongest condemn of the massacre of civilians by the military of Myanmar : South Korea's National Assembly and the government must take action as soon as possible, following the National Assembly resolution! 03 March 2021 It was 'bloody Sunday.' In anti-coup demonstrations, the military of Myanmar is massacring citizens with bullets. According to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Ri.. Looking for Essay Writers Who Will Help Raise the Awareness of Refugee Rights in Korea! We Are Looking for Essay Writers Who Will Help Raise the Awareness of Refugee Rights in Korea! * Application link: 1. Background of Essay Writing Project In Korea, refugees are still viewed as people who are to be feared or pitied, and regarding refugees, fear and hatred prone information and news are overwhelmingly greater than the accurate information. Even leading .. Application for Emergency Disaster Relief Funds for Foreign Residents Application for Emergency Disaster Relief Funds for Foreign Residents 신청기간 Application period 2020.08.31. 09:00 ~ 2020.09.25. 17:00 외국인주민 재난 긴급생활비 신청 홈페이지 Web site Emergency Disaster Relief Funds for Foreign Residents in Seoul Easy online Application Manual by MAP 서울시 외국인주민 '재난 긴급생활비' 지원 신청 지원대상 El.. The opportunity offered by the MIT Refugee Action program We would like to relay through this posting the opportunity offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) Refugee Action (MIT’s ReACT) program for your further sharing to relevant interested refugees (refugee applicants/recognised refugees/humanitarian status holders) as you will deem appropriate. From September 2020, MIT will provide, free of charge - aside from access to internet a.. looking for individuals and organizations to unite in a statement condemning the government against discrimination and disgust against refugees! (Closed at midnight June 30) We are looking for individuals and organizations to unite in a statement condemning the government against discrimination and disgust against refugees! (Closed at midnight June 30) 로드 중… Joint Statement on World Refugee Day 2020 "The Korean government have to operate refugee policy accord with human rights standards." 2020 is the 7th anniversary of the Refugee Act of the Republic of Korea, and t.. [Series] Pro Se Refugee Litigation – A Story of Hope 3 In Early March, Korea was one of the countries to be most severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Uncertainty took over the entire country, affecting every family, company, and ways of life. In those difficult moments, I was also helplessly exposed to a harsh situation: I was fired from my work for no justified reason. My contract was until June this year, but my boss gave me three days to l.. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 50 다음