Mask 썸네일형 리스트형 Information about purchasing masks From today, immigrants who do not have health insurance can purchase public masks at pharmacies and post offices. You can buy a mask if you bring a foreigner registration card, permanent residence card, or proof of residence. À partir d'aujourd'hui, les immigrants qui n'ont pas d'assurance maladie peuvent acheter des masques publics dans les pharmacies et les bureaux de poste. Vous pouvez achete.. Notice: Mask sharing for migrants living in Seoul City 서울시 거주 건강보험 미가입자 외국인주민에게 마스크를 나누어 드립니다. Seoul metropolitan city distributes the masks for foreign residents living in Seoul who do not have health insurance. Thành phố Seoul sẽ cấp khẩu trang cho những người không có bảo hiểm y tế. 居住在首尔市的未参加健康保险的外国人居民发放口罩 Сөүлд амьдардаг, Эрүүл мэндийн даатгалд хамрагдаагүй гадны иргэдэд маск тараана. 1. Subject to application: foreign residents in Seoul who do.. 이전 1 다음