[Information] Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
프로젝트 운영: 성적권리와재생산정의를위한센터 셰어
작성: 강진경(난센 자원활동가)
참여: 강진경, 박경주
This year, NANCEN participated in the project <Pilot Content Creation to Expand Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Information> which was led by center for Sexual rigHts And Reproductive JusticE. We're sharing some of the content this team created for the project.
난센은 올해 성적권리와재생산정의를위한센터 셰어의 <성·재생생산 건강과 권리 정보의 접근성 확대를 위한 시범 컨텐츠 제작> 프로젝트에 참여했습니다. 이 프로젝트에서 진행한 컨텐츠들을 공유합니다.
- poster " We all have sexual rights"
We all have sexual rights.
Sexual rights must be guaranteed to all of us.
Sexual rights are the rights to our bodies, gender, gender expression, who we love and relate to, and sexual pleasure.
We have a right not to be discriminated against because of our bodies, appearances, ages, nationalities, races, disabilities or diseases, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and/or who we love. These rights must be guaranteed everywhere, including where we work and study, in hospitals, social welfare institutions, and public places.
It must be possible for us to obtain the necessary information and to be educated without prejudice or stigma. Information and education that we need must be provided in ways that are readily comprehensible to us. Information and education must not be one-sidedly blocked from us for the reason that we cannot understand them or that we must and need not know them.
Explanations must not be made to people other than yourself, and must not let others decide. In addition, for equal and safe sexual relations and pleasure, we must be guaranteed both time and space guaranteeing privacy and necessary resources.
Sexual rights are indispensable for all of us to live healthily, safely, and with others! National governments must continue to create laws and policies and to provide necessary facilities and resources so that all people may enjoy such rights. Let’s all remember and demand together!
These things must be guaranteed for sexual rights.
▪ Discrimination, stigma X / Without discrimination or stigma
▪ Freedom / Freely, without coercion from anyone
▪ Safety / Safely from violence or danger
▪ Equality / Equally, being respected
▪ Pleasure / Satisfyingly and pleasurably
▪ Body / In a way letting me understand and affirm my body
▪ Confidentiality / In a way safeguarding what I don’t want others to know
▪ Decision / With my thoughts and decisions respected
▪ Exploration and affirmation / In a way letting me explore and affirm who I am and what I want and like
▪ Information / In a way I can understand the necessary information
▪ Education / Comprehensive sex education where I can learn and discuss without prejudice
▪ Medicine / In a way letting me make use of hospitals, pharmacies, and medical facilities
▪ Time and space / In a way letting me enjoy comfortable and safe times and spaces
▪ Work and resources / In a way letting me work equally without discrimination and be guaranteed necessary resources
+ You can find this poster in Korean, Arabic, Thai in SRHR website.
셰어 홈페이지에서 포스터의 한국어, 아랍어, 태국어 버전도 확인할 수 있습니다.
-. Do you want to know how to get birth control pills in Korea? just watch this!
한국에서 피임약을 어떻게 구입하는지 알고 싶으신가요? 이 영상을 보세요!
+ You can find this video in Korean+ korean sign language , Arabic, Thai in SRHR website.
셰어 홈페이지에서 이 영상의 한국어+한국수어, 아랍어, 태국어 버전을 확인할 수 있습니다.
-. To you who are concerned <Together By Your Side> interactive page
"Are you worried about whether to continue or terminate pregnancy now? Or does someone close to you have such worries?
If so, then what should we consider and what might be necessary information and support?"
Visit this page, if you have concerns like these questions.
You can find the contents in Korean, English, Arabic, Thai and korean sign language.
"임신을 유지할지, 중지할지 고민하고 있나요?나와 가까운 사람이 그런 고민을 하고 있나요?
그렇다면 어떤 일들을 생각해 보아야 하고, 필요한 정보와 지원은 어떤 것들이 있을까요?"
이런 고민을 하고 있다면 '곁에 함께' 페이지를 방문해보세요.
한국어, 영어, 아랍어, 태국어, 한국 수어로 내용을 확인할 수 있습니다.
* Other resources for pregnancy/childbirth/parenting:
<Welcome to School> - a guide to childbirth, parenting, and education for Arab women,
produced by the Korea Migrant Human Rights Center and the Wahha Community in 2022.
You can find e-book in Korean and Arabic
임신/출산/양육과 관련하여 찾아볼 수 있는 다른 자료로 한국이주인권센터와 와하 커뮤니티가 제작한 "아랍여성들을 위한 출산/양육/교육 안내서 <웰컴 투 학교 가는 길>도 있습니다. e북을 한국어버전, 아랍어버전으로 확인할 수 있습니다.
아랍여성들을 위한 출산/양육/교육 안내서
한국이주인권센터와 와하커뮤니티 여성들이 인천에 새롭게 이주할 아랍 여성들에게 전하는<아랍여성들을 위한 출산/양육/교육 안내서_웰컴투 학교가는 길>을 제작하였습니다. 본 안내서는 인